Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome to Five-Minute Getaway

Hi there. Welcome to my blog.

If I can have one wish, it would be to escape from the rat race for a year and just travel. Volunteer in Africa, meditate in India, take an art class in Paris. Unfortunately, reality sets in. But I'm looking forward to retirement. Only 30 more years!

But I can still take the occasional weekend trip, and if I'm really lucky, a whole week off to see a part of the world. So I continue to scour the Internet and curl up with travel magazines, to read stories that stimulate daydreams and make me yearn for a vacay. And that's what I want to share with you.

Since this is the first posting, I'll focus on my current home, Chicago.

But I'll keep it brief today, as I'm sure I'll post a lot of fun stories about this great town.

For those of you who may not know, the Sears Tower has become the Willis Tower, and now there's more news coming out of the tallest building in the country. Check out this story from the Sun-Times.

I for one have never made it to the top of the Sears Tower. Probably because they don't have a bar at the top like the Hancock Tower does. Panoramic city views are even better with a glass of champagne, I always say.

But now I have a reason to visit. This new deck looks thrilling and is sure to attract tourists and residents alike.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. That definitely looks like a great view. I remember being in Chicago a little while back and your first blog already brought me back to the thought of "maybe I should visit Chicago again..." It was a very cool city, so thanks for inspiring my daydream of a city that is commonly overlooked. I love the blues and jazz abundance, and from the Floridian perspective, the tulips were great!
    I am currently caught up on the idea of eating and loving in Italy.
