Thursday, July 2, 2009

The pride of Illinois

Since it's the 4th of July holiday weekend, I thought I'd indulge my patriotic side with some Presidential history.

Illinois might be notorious for seedy corruption, but it's famous for its Presidential roots. As most know, this is the adopted home state of President Obama. But you may not know that Ronald Reagan and Ulysses S. Grant were both born in Illinois. And of course, Illinois is the Land of Lincoln.

The tourism bureau for the state of Illinois prides itself for these legacies and has created trails that history buffs and Illinois residents can travel through. Check it out here.

This is also the most opportune time to do the trail on Lincoln. Honest Abe celebrated his 200th birthday this past February and a commission was granted to honor his bicentennial. Celebrations at spots that commememorate pivotal events in his life and career have been going on for the last 18 months, and will continue throughout the year.

In addition, his presidential library in Springfield has underwent a lot of changes and created new exhibits for the occasion.

So next time you're in the Land of Lincoln, you'll know just where to go to learn more about one of our greatest Presidents.

BTW, I heart the 4th of July.

Like most Americans, I always associate the holiday with sparklers, the beach and barbecues. And if I partake in these activities, or others, its always with immense pride for being an American. Happy Independence Day!

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